Saturday, 28 October 2017

J.F.K. assasination

My three books are meant to illuminate the fact that our society, the 'real world', has been imagined into existence by the ancient legacy systems of our brain. I call this the monkey part of our brain.

If we put some effort into training our inner monkey, then the human portions of our brain could easily imagine a civilisation into existence.

We all know what a society is, we live in one. Few of us can imagine anything else.

A civilisation is, in my opinion, how we naturally organise ourselves.

The J.F.K assassination is a huge event. It could have easily resulted in the shattering of society and the birth of an actual human civilisation. It still could.

Those who benefit most from our society would not enjoy such wealth, power and privilege in a civilisation. Hence why they fought and fight so hard to keep their ill gotten gains.

In a society, we form a very wide based pyramid with power and wealth controlled at the top. A civilisation is more like a pancake.

In society, the average man has little to no power.
In a civilisation, no-one exceeds his power.

In a society, good ideas need support from the relevant professional bodies.

In a civilisation, good ideas are embraced and developed by those who choose to.

Free will and choice are the foundations of a civilisation.
Society is based on the fears of our inner monkey.

With J.F.K. we realise that those in power did their best to promote the idea that they were still in power. They had to demonstrate their value to us. In truth, they provide no value. They merely take from us whatever they feel can. Fully believing their entitlement to our wealth. In truth they perpetuate themselves by preventing the human race becoming a human civilisation.

They will fail or drag us all into Hell.

They will fail. God is not on their side.
They will fail. They will fail spectacularly. Our bones will remember their failure.

They will fail. Free yourself from their fraud and coercive force, or you risk failing with them.

I suggest you read more of my stuff or find something of equal or better value. Do it soon.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Be part of a Civilisation

The dawn of a new civilisation does not depend upon other people. It simply depends upon you, one person.

Practise being a civilised / Mindful Being and you will transform the world around you into Heaven on Earth.

A couple of stories.
I had just parked my car in a supermarket car park. I had noticed a gang of teenagers riding their bikes. One rode passed me, fairy aggressively and startled me. It was getting dark and my night vision is appalling. A civilised person may well have asked the young man to take more care. I didn't. I was verbally aggressive. He rode around in a circle, back to me and politely stated that there was no need for my aggression. After a brief pause, I agreed with him and apologised. I quickly explained that he had startled me. He then cycled away. One of his friends made a comment that i didn't much care for but I replied with good cheer. In this instance, the young man was behaving in a civilised manner with such potency that i felt unable to escalate the situation.

On facebook, one female friend had a similar incident. A car drove at speed, very close to her. She gestured and yelled. The car driver said he hadn't seen her and an independent witness called her a silly fat bitch. No sign of any civilised behaviour, except perhaps the motorist. A civilised person would have not worn dark clothing at night and demand, albeit subconsciously, that everyone else wears night vision goggles.

So, do your best to behave in a civilised manner and be amazed that you are able to transform those around you into civilised people too. Do this at work and you will transform your workplace too.

Comment below on your successes. Or for advice on your failures, should you need any.

You have no idea how powerful you will become, simply by evolving into a civilised human being.

Be seeing you