Sunday, 25 November 2018

Psychopaths and Society

Society is rules and laws. It is what we have imposed upon ourselves, otherwise we would have anarchy.

We could go a different way, by using commonsense and our own sense of right and wrong.

The truth is that we have both systems operating together. I have often suggested that society arises from the ancient parts of our brain that are governed by 'fear' and that a second system, civilisation, spontaneously arises from our humanity. Thus women generally provide the love that glues a civilisation together and men provide and build the rest based on a mutual respect for 'usefulness'.

A quick example of this is buy a man a drill kit for Christmas and he is happy.
Buy a woman a vacuum for Christmas and she never vacuums again.

Now, I am not enforcing gender roles upon people. Just pointing out the obvious. There will be a great deal of social conditioning too but we are all guilty of that.

I generally state that we have lost the balance between society and civilisation. That 'fear' is promoted far beyond what is useful and that this gives society the upper hand to civilisation. High levels of fear are induced by and create society. Whereas high levels of love and respect create civilisation.

That said, the title of this piece is psychopaths and society. Most members of society cannot detect the presence of a psychopath. Which is an interesting topic in itself. I can detect psychopaths and have dated a few as they are very interesting intellectually as well as emotionally invigorating. In short, I really like psychopaths even male ones. Now, I care not for how society describes a psychopath.

A perfect society is a civilisation with all of the humanity removed (or never developed)

A perfect psychopath is a human being without any humanity.

In this blog piece, humanity is the embodiment of love and respect.

Psychopaths do provide a great service to everybody as they 'mix the pot'. As the moon 'stirs' the oceans, a psychopath stirs humanity. Without the action of the moon we would not have life on this planet. Without the action of psychopaths we would still be living in caves and really enjoying it as we would be living in a civilisation.

Hopefully, you are beginning to grasp the concepts I am attempting to describe. You don't need an opinion just yet. Let me take this concept a little further. Imagine a psychopath being born into a pure civilisation as described above. They would hate it. A psychopath does not have the mental abilities to understand a civilisation. A psychopath needs rules and laws, not that they follow them but they need us to. Otherwise they feel lost and alienated. A psychopath does not understand love, respect and justice. Fairness and right and wrong are so weak in a psychopath that they need rules and structure. A psychopath knows when they have been wronged and will wreak vengeance accordingly. Massively out of proportion 'vengeance' as psychopaths do not grasp the concept of fairness. Thus a psychopath needs rules and laws as well as a societal structure of who is in charge and who gets access to what resources. Again. a psychopath will not follow these rules but needs us to follow them.

Thus psychopaths have a fundamental need for societies rules and laws to make up for the fact that a psychopath finds humanity deeply disturbing because that is what being a psychopath truly means.

So we live in a society because psychopaths have been highly motivated to create it. Fear is the tool that psychopaths wield to motivate the rest of us to accept societies rules and laws. A civilised being living in our society would be saddened by our collective lack of humanity and abundance of stupidity.

Psychopaths are necessary and useful. A psychopath will always attempt to create rules and laws. Our job is to be aware that this is just what psychopaths do and to use their ideas against which to judge our own civilisation. What we mustn't do is that which we have done. Let them build a society of rules and laws.

Back to social conditioning. You still do not need to have an opinion about this blog post. It is better that you don't. Just bear it in mind as being possibly true. Or perhaps, just a description of a parallel universe. Your task now is to simply observe the society around you and interact with it as you please. Same as always.

Let me take you on a journey. Imagine an alternative universe around ten thousand years ago. We have a tribe of cavemen. Twenty or thirty people living as an extended family. The earth is incredibly fertile and the rivers well stocked with fish and wild fruit and berries growing everywhere.  There are some big and dangerous animals but these people have fire, sharp sticks, and hefty stones capable of being propelled quite violently with catapults. The big and dangerous wild animals soon learn to keep well out of the way of these people. There are no rules and laws. There is no banking sector or government. The wise elders dispense justice to the group. Commonsense is in ascendance. This is a civilisation.

Imagine a psychopath being born into this group. They will not be comfortable in the group as they do not understand it. They will exaggerate the dangers of the wild animals and try to create a fast response team who answer to the one person. ideally themselves but it really doesn't matter. This imposing a structure that is easily understood. Imposing rules and laws upon the fast response team, which will then spill into what was a civilisation. The psychopath is either successful in turning the civilisation into a society through exaggerated fear of the big animals or they leave and try the same 'trick' on another group. It is likely that the psychopath will ultimately get the newly formed 'society' at war with neighbouring 'civilised' groups. The psychopath will not rest until everyone lives by the rules and laws of a society. Rules and laws that psychopaths only use to manipulate us with.

Imagine another universe where the psychopaths go from tribe to tribe trying to fan the sparks of fear into flames and yet each tribe tells them that they are being silly. The psychopath will go to greater and greater extremes and will ultimately become incredibly dangerous. Thus they must be spotted with great ease and then diverted from creating fear to doing something actually useful. Perhaps designing better weapons. Devising training to use the defensive weapons. Creating a production line to more quickly produce a range of tools, leaving more time for other persuits. Allow the psychopath to do that which they are compelled to do, create rules and structure. Just don't allow rules to become laws. Don't allow rules to overwhelm commonsense. Never allow the structure to become (semi) permanent

Imagine an alternative universe where psychopaths have created a world of rules, laws and structure. You go to work and you have a structure of line manager, sales office coordinator, warehouse associate, external sales executive, regional sales coordinator, technical sales support manager, robot consultant, human resources manager, commercial director, operations director, financial controller, van driver and cleaner. all with their own set of rules, different access to resources and various outfits that ought to be worn. Well, I have just described our society to you. A civilisation is much the same but instead of having rules you have areas of responsibility. The van driver being responsible for the van and it being driven appropriately, taking the right goods to the right places in an order optimised for efficiency but taking into account the time preferences and needs of the customers. The van driver needn't actually drive the van. If he is needed elsewhere he could organise the route but have someone else drive it. The warehouse associate and everyone else having a similarly flexible approach to their contribution to whatever service the company exists to serve.

This is not exactly anarchy. It is commonsense. The psychopath will hate it. The psychopath will cause as much trouble as possible and direct blame towards those not sticking to their assigned roles and following the societal rules of that role. Usually, the psychopath will succeed. The psychopath will successfully fan a few sparks of fear into flames. It is not just psychopaths that need rules and laws. Normal people, overly sensitive to fear will also want rules and will avoid responsibility at all costs. A civilised person will face a major challenge in changing this societal based environment into a civilised one. Damping down the fear response in others is necessary. Maintaining control of yourself is far harder. Some effort ought to be expended calming the psychopath. Eventually, if the psychopath cannot create enough fear, blame, aggression and hostility for the manager to be forced to impose punishments, rules and structure then the psychopaths attack is focused on the office manager. Although side campaigns are still fought. Now the battle enters its final stages. The societal rules have been weakened and a civilised environment of commonsense is starting to flourish.

For many business owners it is important to realise that a sales office based on societal rules turns over about half the revenue of a sales office based on civilised commonsense. For the workers of the business, working in a civilised environment is far preferable to working within the confines of the rules of a societal based office. A customer is highly likely to value doing business with civilised human beings than people who adhere to the rules and flout commonsense.

Anyway, back to the completely imaginary story above which is not based upon where I work! I don't actually work alongside one psychopath.

The showdown. The psychopath is now at war with the office manager. This is a fight to the death. Not literally but that will be what it feels like. Will the office manager allow the psychopath to overwhelm them with fear or will the psychopath feel compelled to leave? I suppose I could describe two universes where each outcome does occur. Ultimately, the battle is not between a psychopath and the office manager. The battle is within each of us, will we continue to let fear overcome our commonsense?

Losing to fear confines us to the cage of societal rules which appease the psychopaths.

Should commonsense prevail, then the psychopath will leave or be found something useful to do.

All fairly obvious stuff but it is difficult not to get caught up in 'fear'. Should you wish to work in a pleasant environment or double the revenue of your business then you must start with developing your own awareness. Only then moving on to being aware of others. Then you can start to sensitise yourself to the very real demands of society. Finally, you can create that which you wish to create with far greater ease and understanding. Luckily, I have written three very short books to start you on this journey. I intend making these free over the Christmas holiday because few are willing to pay for them!

Hopefully, the books will encourage proper writers to write far better versions of them.

So, what is not to like.

Business owners can double turnover. (Could you employ a few more people to cope with the additional work load please?)

Staff get to work in a fantastic environment

Customers get the level of service that they believe they deserve

As you may be aware, I make up the statistics because this saves me a great deal of time

I don't bother citing others work as this saves me a great deal of time

I don't have staff as I cannot afford any

I make all this stuff up as I don't have the resources to do the actual research

According to my book sales, I am wasting my time.

It is my time to waste but |I| believe that I am using it in the most productive manner possible

Be seeing you


Executive Summary

psychopaths have used fear to motivate us to create this cage we call society

it is the job of civilised beings to reduce fear, in ourselves primarily

Contentment and productivity increase as we move from a rules based society to a commonsense based civilisation


Final point

Many people 'fear' for my safety from 'them'

There really isn't a 'them' to be scared of

psychopaths won't understand a single word that I have ever written and so will choose to ignore me

bankers and govt are so convinced that without society we have anarchy and so already know my work is ignorant nonsense and so will not waste a moments thought on dealing with me

the intelligence services could be a threat but they are completely of society and so will already know that this work is nonsense.

someone in the intelligence services may be sufficiently aware to label me as a threat but my value as an asset (to them) far exceeds that minor cost to others. Therefore, they will neither label or discuss me as that diminishes my value (to them). They will in fact, protect me as a valuable intelligence asset - provided the cost of this is far lower than my value to them. (OBVIOUSLY)

Finally, I am not really bothered about my safety.

Perhaps I ought to be 'scared' of losing my job. Being unable to afford living in a two hundred year old home. Losing my Civic Type S or my Kawasaki W800 or perhaps my partner or my cat. Well, this all could come to pass because of me and my blogs. Or it might not. I might get a civic Type R next, a Kawasaki Z900RS, a dog or go live in a RV. The future is not the past and neither are the 'here and now'. At this moment in time, I am (both gathering and) expressing my thoughts and fear is absent.

Take care, don't worry, be happy

PS I save lots of time not editing this stuff - bear in mind that I have no staff and this cost me three hours to write and many more to 'research'.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Am I a sociopath?

Hello there. I have been wondering about what it is I am. I mean, I know exactly what I am. I have been wondering what label 'society' would give me if I was honest enough to reveal my true self to 'society'.

Anyway, I chose to reveal exactly what I was in a post about ageing on my critical thought blog. I even mention that I am a sigma on a post about sigma's.

If you don't know what a sigma is read the blog about sigma's and watch the videos. Do some research. Although sigma is a word that I enjoy, another word describing the same thing is sociopath. I recommend watching 'Law Abiding Citizen'. The alpha male is the lawyer married to a beta wife. The sigma / sociopath is the one who is very capable and powerful.

I thought it interesting to research people who are perhaps sigma / sociopath and discovered that non-sigma wanted to know who was the most powerful, an alpha male or a sigma. The second question is easily answered if reworded slightly. Who is the most powerful, an alpha male or a sociopath?

So, when is a sigma a sociopath and when is a sociopath a sigma? Again, easy. If you are helping society, you are a sigma. If you would rather not, then you are a sociopath.

Now, it is easy to determine what I am. I wish to assist society to dissolve quietly and a civilisation rise up organically in its place. Remembering now that a society is populated by alpha and beta members of public and a civilisation is made up of human beings. Again, you can reword that to say a civilisation is populated by sociopaths and things look and feel different yet again. I would say that a civilisation is mainly made up of sigmas, ensuring the continuance of the civilisation.

If anything this post gives you a greater insight into the use of words. A simple change of word dramatically alters content.

Will I go with sigma or sociopath for the rest of this post? Whichever I use you will 'see' or 'read' whichever word you want anyway. I am going to go with sociopath.

As a sociopath, I truly feel, know or understand that I am actually a human being. If I was enslaved to society, I would be a member of the public. Which is just an alpha or beta in the dominance hierarchy. I laugh as I write this. At myself and not you. I can be alpha or beta at will, or rather make you believe that I am one or the other depending upon how I wish to manipulate you. Not forgetting that sociopaths are very capable beings.

At this point if you are nodding along with my statements, then you are most likely sigma / sociopath. If you are enraged then you aren't.

Anyway, who else is a sociopath? I would say Wolverine. I cannot decide if James Bond is alpha or sigma, perhaps it depends upon how the actor is playing the role of 007? I am only absolutely convinced of the status of one other being, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, he was a text book sociopath. It takes one to know one. Which brings me to religion, more specifically Christianity. The Church does not want you agreeing with me about anything I write, ever. The Church does not want you considering the fact of the sociopathy of the sweet baby Jesus. Hence the Church tells you that Jesus is the divine Son of God and that you are a sinful creature.

I have revealed more of myself in this post than I expected. I have announced that I am a sociopath and brother of another sociopath, Jesus Christ.

What did society do to Jesus? As I recall you attached him to a cross to die slowly of dehydration. Not the ending Jesus had in mind when he tried to do as I do. Birth a civilisation. In other words bring about Heaven on Earth.

The major problems with society are the dominance hierarchy and the alpha beta split. Government (banking) and Church exist as 'society'. Without 'society' we are told, by Govt, banks and Church, it would be hell on earth. How about having Heaven on Earth in the form of a Human civilisation?

You may have no desire to be a sociopath. Fair enough. How about being a human being in a human civilisation? How about this for an idea? Let us replace the word ''sociopath' with the phrase 'friend of Jesus.'

How would you like to be a 'friend of Jesus' and help create Heaven on Earth in the form of a Human Civilisation? (Thus realising the vision of Jesus.)

How exactly could you become a 'friend of Jesus'?

I have written a very short and concise trilogy about it and a 120 post strong blog called critical thought. (Yes, yet another plug for my silly books.)

Am I a 'friend of Jesus'?

Yes I am.

Was this Jesus character a divine being or just a human being?

He was both, as am I. You are too.

Was Jesus a human being or son of God?

He was both, as am I. You are too.

Just for clarity, this post is framed within the context of my upbringing. I would be astonished if you did not have a 'Jesus' character in your culture. So, feel free to swap out the five letters J E S U S for whatever letters are most appropriate to your upbringing. Also, the three letters G O D might not be to your tastes either. This is not a problem. Please rewrite this post to fully take into account your own beliefs. Personally, as God is all around and everything, I prefer the word UNIVERSE.

Now 'society' will not like this post. 'Society' is just another name for the alpha beta split of human beings into members of 'society'. As a 'friend of Jesus' I will treat you as if you were also 'friends of Jesus'. How you treat me is your own affair.

If you found this post to be rather interesting, then we are as one.

You need believe not one word of it. You are free to believe whatever you will. As am I.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Star Wars - a deeper understanding

First of all, good morning. I trust you are well.

Secondly, Star Wars isn't particularly special. George Lucas just gave his flourishes to a story that is ages old. An important story. He just wasn't the author.

The fact that we focus in on his flourishes more than the story says a great deal about us as a civilisation. The fact that we are not aware of the story being told, tells us that we are not civilised. We in general and not you as an individual. It is us collectively that we are not civilised.

Star Wars is the story about a birth of a civilisation, which failed. The Star Wars universe is not based upon a civilisation, it is based upon a society.

Remembering now that a society places institutions above an individual.

Knowing now that a civilisation places an individual above any and all institutions.

A significant but minor difference. It just needs an imperceptible change in focus.


You can live in a civilisation, should you wish to. Just realise the truth, you are more important than any institution. The institution is there to support you.

Should the institution fail to support you, then that institution has failed and not you.

That is all there is to it.

Take for example, my job and the company (of people) I choose to work with. My boss does not outrank me, neither does his or the legal owners of our business. We all have our areas of responsibility and accountability. We all have differing strengths and weaknesses. We are not all the same but we are all equally valid human beings. The company is civilised as are our customers. There are, of course, some notable exceptions. This is not a problem. They form two important functions. They are an example of how it was and give us an opportunity to either choose to practise 'loving' them or not. In order to develop ourselves, we ought to choose to practise 'loving' the 'unlovable' regularly.

The company I work with is there to support my chosen lifestyle, including the people I work with and how I carry out my work. Ultimately, work and leisure all lead to the same goal. Personal growth / enlightenment. You may call it 'happiness' or 'fulfilment' or reaching your potential. Whatever, these are simply labels.


Now in Star Wars, you have a vast complex social construct. It is not a civilisation as an individual only has the rights large institutions give him or her. You obey or you are classed as lawless. The Star Wars prophecy was that a Chosen One would restore order to the galaxy / restore balance to the force. Actually, this Chosen One was the catalyst for turning a huge society into a huge civilisation. Thus restoring order and balance.

That is a large piece of information for you to process. Take your time. There is no rush. Take four minutes or four years. It has taken me forty plus years. Allow your awareness to listen to your heart, mind and gut. Allow your awareness to use your eyes to see and your ears to listen. Learn to focus your awareness internally, perhaps on your breathing. Once well practised, your awareness can encompass a planet.

So what happened in Star Wars? Well, it is all about the 'Force'. The 'Force' was concentrated into two ideologically opposed groups. One was labelled good and the other evil. Or more accurately, light and dark. This was the mistake that the Chosen One needed to undo for a civilisation to be birthed. Basically, the Jedi order was destroyed by Palpatines order 66. All but a few Jedi were executed. Yoda survived at the cost of a great many Wookie lives. Obi Wan survived and a few others, for a time. The Chosen One, one of a pair of Sith, died shortly after killing his Sith Master. Simltaneously, the ruling Government was massively impaired with the War impoverishing many and wasting both resources and lives. At this point, a Civilisation could be birthed.

A Civilisation is birthed when one of two things occur.

  1. When two percent of the general population believe that they outrank any institution and instill that belief in 20% of the population
  2. When trust in institutions is destroyed by the recognition that the institutions have failed.
Now, the financial sector failed in 2008/2009 but nothing much came of it. Thus, via the power of perception or lack thereof, it was only seen to stumble. Birthing a civilisation is both incredibly difficult and remarkably easy. Remember the rule of two and twenty. 2% realise that they outrank any and all institutions and demonstrating that belief to 20%

To conclude my Star Wars narrative. Restoring balance to the 'Force' means not concentrating it into two opposing forces. It means distributing it throughout the galaxy. Not having two opposing ideas but billions of ideas. Anyone subscribing to the belief of two opposing forces is helping to birth a war, not a civilisation.


Instead of the word 'Force', we can bring the narrative into our own world with the use of the word 'Awareness'. I may act out of love or out of self defense. Others will perceive my actions to be good or evil. With enhanced 'awareness' I can readily align my intent, words and actions. With that alignment I am not only powerful but that power is realised, consciously or otherwise, by others.

Perception is the key word here. With our individual perceptions we create our own reality. For example, if you feel that you cannot say 'no' to your boss or partner, then that will become your reality. However, don't just say it. Wait, wait and wait until you mean it, then say it. Let the chips fall where they may. Ideally, you will choose to back up the word 'no' with love. However, you can always choose to back up the word 'no' with violence. In a civilisation, how we choose to act will colour the entirety of the civilisation. 

Good or evil is a nonsensical simplification. However, a person who more readily chooses violence over love could easily be considered as evil. They most likely aren't. They simply are not 'aware' enough to become civilised and not 'powerful' enough in their belief to bring out the civilised component in others.


The purpose of my three blogs and three books is to awaken your awareness, power and far more importantly (to me),  increase my own.

In this I have been successful and far more at ease with myself


Conclusion, those who associate with the Sith in Star Wars, crave power through destruction and creation of more controlling structures. Those who associate with Jedi, are unaware that they, add to this destruction and concentration of power. Both Sith and Jedi unbalance the 'Force' and sow the seeds of war and destruction. This is not good versus evil but utterly stupid, wasteful and exceedingly annoying. The Jedi and Sith are as bad as each other. The Jedi 'serve' others and Sith 'serve' themselves but the result is the same, war.

Balance is achieved by those who do not allow others (people and institutions) power over them. For balance, you first need awareness. Then you need to develop the moral courage to adhere to your chosen path. Accepting and being aware that you have both good and evil within yourself. When we do not accept that we have a slight streak of evil with us, we simply project that evil onto others. Therefore justifying our attacks upon them. (For examples, watch the news. Apparently we in the UK are not evil but Russians and Muslims are. How can we be unaware of this unbalance of reality / truth?)

There are those on this blue planet who, knowingly or unknowingly, have a Sith mindset. Perhaps only seeking (their law and) order. Like the Germans generally or specifically with the nazis. Some Governments have the appearance of a Sith Mindset. Other Governments believe themselves to be overflowing with good intentions, like Jedi. Which as I have attempted to demonstrate is no better and simply sets the stage for World Wars.


For the hard of understanding. You are a beautiful and creative being. You can choose how you react to others and to your immediate environment. You have a streak of evil within you that you may unleash whenever you choose. You also have an infinite capacity for love. As does everybody else.

My two rules

  1. Your power is your own and cannot be taken from you
  2. Be aware of your own and others potential for both love and violence

You always have a choice about how you react to any situation. You are not always aware that you do have a choice. 

The choice is simple, you may choose to react or not react. Should you choose to react, your choice is simple - react with love or react with hate. (Each has many different levels to choose from, choose wisely.)


My books are incredibly short but the understanding that they attempt to convey may take moments or decades to decipher. Regardless they are inexpensive. However, should you not have £6 (to waste on nonsense) then for valentines day the one book containing the entirety of the trilogy will be £1. The minimum amount Amazon will let me sell it for. I could make it free but I have chosen not to at this time. Perhaps I will make it free on December 25th, for those who find £1 to be a non-trivial amount.

You take care and have fun (not at the expense of others)